Tuesday, August 9, 2016

In The Beginning

To describe what may have been a beginning is impossible without using words and illustrations bound up in time and space. Although what is being illustrated here had no sequence and no separation between events it will be described as if it did because of the limits of both our language and imagination.
We have always existed and we always will but we have changed in form. There was a beginning of sorts when we were endowed with the possibility of selfhood. This selfhood being the essence of will which enables us to become self-conscious, self-replicating and conscious of all creation. We existed an eternity before receiving the essence of will but only as part of undifferentiated soul spirit.
To get a clearer perspective of this beginning let us offer this illustration. Picture a pond with no beginning and no end, one that goes on forever. In this picture the top of the water is absolutely calm and appears smooth and motionless. Now suddenly a seed, the seed of the essence of will is dropped in the water and its weight causes a disturbance resulting in a ripple. Where there was a smooth surface before there appears a circle of water around a seed moving outward in all directions. As this ripple, this tiny wave travels outward from the seed let us stop and freeze the image right there for now. The first happening, the seed dropping in the pond created the possibility of separateness while the second condition, the ripple effect gave it a place to happen. There really was not a separation but the appearance of one. Now in the stillness of this scene the essence of will begins to stir to life. Here through eons we become aware that we are and our relationship with all creation. As we act upon creation the color and the character of the water within the circle changes from that in the rest of the pond. Here we can replicate our self in an infinite variety of ways and through experience become more aware of our uniqueness. Yet at the same time we remain part of the whole of the pond with only the image of separateness provided by the ripple wave.
The ripple will eventually travel outward until it dissipates and in this way our self-consciousness is spread out across the face of eternity.

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