Friday, July 18, 2014


That which we resist we empower but what we transform we make our own. The gain in life comes not from what we resist but in what we transform. Energy is neutral, it is neither good nor bad, but it is shaped by intent. When we resist intent, we simply add to the energy it envelopes but when we transform the intent we have a whole new creation.

We can combat selfishness and neglect by resistance but experience has taught us such an undertaking is ultimately unsuccessful. Or we can transform selfishness into goodness and a whole new reality will result. Selfishness and neglect cannot long exist in the presence of loving-kindness. However in a world bound up in time and space, the transformation is not instant and it must be allowed to unfold in an orderly fashion. If we are willing to offer our self as the means of transformation, we must be willing to absorb the pain of selfishness until the transformation is complete. It may appear for a time that selfishness and neglect will prevail but if we are patient our victory is assured. How long we endure in our pursuit of loving-kindness is simply a matter of faith.  

If we believe in the redemptive value of grace and mercy half the battle is already won. To prevail, we may find it helpful to accept that in the presence of goodness what is contrary cannot long endure. All that is necessary is that we live in such a way that loving-kindness is expressed in the world around us. Not only will we have succeeded in changing our environment but we will have begun a chain reaction, the repercussions of which will be felt in the lives of countless others.

Others may not love us for our love. They may seek to take advantage to what they in their fear see as weakness. But loving-kindness is anything but weak and it is the most durable of all human behavior. It will ultimately turn selfishness into goodness and fear into faith. Loving kindness will reenergize, reorganize and heal discord of every kind in body, mind and soul. It will transform those conditions that wrack the body and sap the soul.

Let us not resist the pain brought about by the presence of fear in this world but through tenderness, through loving-kindness transform the cause of illness. We can begin at this very moment to change our environment; to express tender loving-kindness first to our self and then to those with whom we come in contact.

May God bless you and give you the courage, the patience and persistence to change the world in which you live.

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