Monday, June 22, 2009

Excerpted from Voyage Through Eternity

Much has been covered in this discourse, and so much more can be given. However, what has been presented is sufficient to stimulate us both intellectually and emotionally. This creation scenario is small compared to the grandness that we embody, but we do not yet sufficiently believe this. Until we are willing to fill the ordinary with the extraordinary, the mundane with the miraculous, we will have missed entirely the reason for which we awoke in flesh this day. When we remove our focus from what is in front of us to ponder what is in front of it, we surrender the opportunity to make a difference to anyone, least of all ourselves. We have all that we need for each moment and should spend it well. The tale of the manna in the wilderness was given for us to embrace this day. Whether it is historically accurate or is simply an allegory is irrelevant, and its source of origin should not stand in our way. This account was given to remind us of the covenant made with us by the Infinite Spirit at the dawning of consciousness; we will have all that we need to sustain us, flowing into our life fresh and new every moment. We will not, nor can we, use yesterday’s blessings today, and there is no need to, for they are not given for this purpose. We are connected to all that is God; we are both the creator and the created. Thus, we are the source of all of those things that we wish for and have no need to store. The best, and only, purpose of a miracle is the use of it. We are not inferior, but perfect in our day. Whatever we are, whoever we are, we are the perfect us, and we only feel inferior when we think we should be the perfect someone else. Our fellow travelers in the earth have not always inspired us. In their shortsightedness, they would have us believe that we should be more like them. We need not be like anyone else but ourselves, accepting and enjoying who we are.

Our God is Love, and our mission is to express God; this is a life lived in perfection. Our Lord has chosen to walk in our shoes, not to make miracles, but to make a miracle of us. Here is our first clue to a life lived in perfection. Of whom can we make a miracle this day? Who may we inspire, whom may we bless? In what life can we make a difference and in what way? We are each in the earth subject to the laws thereof. Simple human kindness, which, incidentally, is not so simple after all, is the most direct and effective way to bless our fellow souls. We often cannot sustain this, so we justify our lack of fortitude by depreciating the importance of this task. There is no means more important, no way more enduring, and no calling higher than simple human kindness from one individual to another. It is the motor that drives the engine, and
compassion is essential to a life lived in service to others. In the history of the human race, every turning point was marked by the presence of an individual of limitless compassion. Further, in the earth, simple human kindness is fueled by compassion. From experience to experience, we have made of ourselves a storehouse of fears. They have grown larger than life and influence every decision we make. We may, if we wish, embrace them for as long as we find they serve us, or we may begin to release them this moment. This can be accomplished by filling the vacuum into which they naturally flow. Every ounce of faith that we previously surrendered was replaced by an equal amount of fear. Every act of simple human kindness is an expression of faith that will fill the void and give an equal amount of fear nowhere to rest in our life. But like the manna in the wilderness, the kindness of the day is sufficient for the day and must flow fresh from us into the lives of our fellow souls each day. Life flows endlessly from its source, and we are the source of the miracle this day.

The entirety of this discourse is given to inform and awaken within us a sense of our incredible goodness. We are not inferior, for our precious God the Absolute does not create inferiority, nor can we make unholy that which He has made divine. We are divine in every way. Do we doubt the perfection of a newborn babe? No, we do not; it is perfect in its own way, as we are perfect in ours. We are Gods in the making, and our success is assured. Tender loving-kindness is not too small of a task to become our ambition. It is our essential nature, and this is the unchanging, eternal reality of which we are a part.

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