Compassion is the first stage of love for our brothers and
sisters without which we cannot truly make a constructive difference in their
lives. Unless the lives of others are of primary concern to us we are helpless
to make any meaningful contribution to them. To have a beneficial use
compassion needs first to be enveloped in grace, and in its simplest form an
attitude of kindness is grace-full. Kindness is the beginning of grace in our
daily lives and all other expressions flow naturally from it. It is important
to note we are addressing a kindness so full of grace, so compassionate, so
loving that all of creation pours out in to our lives through it.
To be practical our motivation, our thoughts and our actions
must be expressions of kindness at its highest level. Simply said, tender
loving kindness must become our ideal; that which will guide our thoughts and
deeds. We are often faced with conditions that try our sense of reason, yet if
we are firmly anchored in our ideal we will not stray far from its helpful
expression. To be of assistance we must adopt some hard fast rules that do not
change with the situation and one might be that kindness requires nothing in
return; it needs no justification, reason nor explanation. Kindness as our
motivation simply is our highest ideal expressed in our daily life.
Once our motivation rises from kindness we are then
constrained to find a practical application in our relationship to the lives
around us. There may be many questions such as is this act helpful, is it what
is needed at this time, is it the best expression of kindness for another, and
so on. To help answer all of these and other questions we must first be sure
that we are motivated by kindness. With kindness as our chief concern we must
weigh our anticipated actions against our motivation. Keeping this in mind we
will eventually find the most practical application. However, in such a quest
we are not charged with getting it right but with expressing unadulterated
kindness in the world around us. There will always be questions but the answer
to them all is tenderness, love and kindness.
In a world bound up in materiality we have developed the
habit of weighing process against results. However, to be true to our highest
ideals it may be best to focus fully on the application and let the process
take care of the result. Otherwise we risk losing our way by taking a detour
through fear and doubt. No one has earned kindness because it must be freely
given. If we choose to be an expression of kindness we cannot place
requirements upon those lives into which we must pour out our full measure of
grace. As purveyors of kindness we are concerned with just being kind, one to
the other.